Android: Activity and Fragment Transition

It’s actually pretty easy when you understand the logic.

  • The Transition name must be the same.
    There are two ways to get the transition name (or maybe 3)

    1. Use ViewCompat.getTransitionName([view that has the transition name],[the transition name])
    2. Call setTransitionName() on devices running Lollipop and up.
    3. Add element to strings.xml in value folder, and reuse it.

  • If you want to make transition in an Activity, you should put following line first before the super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) in onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
        protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    Then, in the function that performs transition, put similar code below:

        private void performTransition(){
            Fade exitFade = new Fade();
           //Here you can use Fade or Explode class
  • If you want to make transition from Activity to another activity, add below code to start the other activity:
        private void performTransition(){
            Fade exitFade = new Fade();
     //Here you can use Fade or Explode class
            Intent activityIntent = new Intent(this,anotherActivity.class); 
           //You can use ActivityOptinsCompat or just ActivityOptions

    You can also set return transition by calling setSharedElementReturnTransition(new Fade());

  • Transition with fragment is almost the same, and you don’t have to write down the getWindow().requestFeature()
    private void performTransition(){
            Fade exitFade = new Fade();
    //And; you can put a ViewGroup id of either an activity or fragment
    FragmentTransaction ft = getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
            ft.addSharedElement(mBinding.articleImgViewContent,transName)                .replace(,imgFragment).addToBackStack(null)
                    .commitAllowingStateLoss();//commit() or commitAllowingStateLoss()
  • In the, get the transition name, and extra data:
    private void setTransition(){
            String transName = ViewCompat.getTransitionName(imgBinding.imageFragmentContainer);

    Run it in onCreate(), this can be applied to Fragments as well. And don’t forget to put getWindow().requestFeature() before super.onCreate()

And that’s all!

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