Android: Kotlin Android Extensions – View Binding

It’s annoying to call the findViewById() lines every time getting a layout or a View widget, sometimes too many use of these lines may mess with other codes. There are not few view binding libraries helped developers avoid this, but most of them requires some extra code in XML layout files. And then here comes the Kotlin Android Extensions View Binding.
Continue reading “Android: Kotlin Android Extensions – View Binding”

Python Basics: Module & Namespace

A module in Python is a Python source file that contains definitions and use them in a script or in an interactive instance of the interpreter.
We use modules to divide a piece of software into separate but cooperating parts.
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Python Basics: Immutable Sequence Type & Tuples 1

Sequence type: a data type in Python which is able to store more than one value or less than one value (as a sequence my be empty), and these values can be sequentially browsed element by element (like a list).

Mutability: a property of any of Python’s data that describes its readiness to be freely changed during program execution.
Continue reading “Python Basics: Immutable Sequence Type & Tuples 1”